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Alexander Klyuev appointed CEO of UniCredit Leasing in Russia

On May, 11 2016 Alexander Klyuev was appointed CEO of UniCredit Leasing in Russia. Since 2010 Mr Klyuev was Chief Sales Officer and member of the Management Board of the company.

Alexander Klyuev has been working in banking for more than 20 years. His career started at Moscow administration of Financial Collection at Central Bank of Russian Federation in 1993. Then he occupied different positions at the International Industrial Bank and ONEXIM Bank. From 2002 to 2010 Alexander worked in Rosbank, where he was promoted from Head of branch to Head of Corporate banking unit. Mr Klyuev joined UniCredit Leasing in 2010 when he was appointed Chief Sales Officer, member of the Management Board. Alexander graduated from Financial Academy, he holds degree in banking, and he also holds a Мaster of Business Administration degree of Frankfurt Business School and Financial Academy under the Government of RF.

«My primary goal in a new role will be to continue the realization of UniCredit Leasing strategy, which we have been successfully implementing with the team for the last five years, — commented Alexander Klyuev on his appointment. — We are actively working on the sustainable development of UniCredit Leasing as a universal leasing company and a stable supplier of leasing services, combining competitive conditions, high standards of service, stable funding for our customers and the high quality of the leasing portfolio.

Considering best practice and international know-how of UniCredit Group, we will continue to enhance the attractiveness of the complex leasing services for customers of UniCredit Bank, as well as to improve our vendor leasing programs with the world’s leading manufacturers and suppliers of motor vehicles, construction and agricultural machinery together with other types of assets,» — points out the CEO of UniCredit Leasing, Alexander Klyuev.

17.05.2016 - 13:00
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